Matt Sloan
Resident Artist and Wheel / Soda Aesthetic Instructor

"I am a potter who makes humble, comforting tableware meant to be in service every day. Gathering around a meal helps establish community. I see the pots I create as part of that tableau."
A little about me:
Matt is a potter from Yuba City, California. He attended Sacramento State University where he studied under Scott Parady, Sunshine Cobb, and Chuck Owens. He was an assistant to Sunshine Cobb, and a short-term resident at Scott Parady’s Cobb Mountain Art and Ecology shortly after completing his BA.
Matt received his MFA from Utah State University, studying under John Neely, Dan Murphy, and Todd Hayes.

I became interested in clay work, having seen the pots my grandparents made as they retired from farming. I find that the communal atmosphere created through pots, food, and drink is what draws me to make work, and inspires the tableware I produce.
The communal spirit I observe in collecting pots and sharing a meal with friends and family is what I hope to impart to others when they bring one of my ceramic vessels into their homes.
~ Matt Sloan